Apps for Health and Wellness +
Want Fast Pain Relief? - There's an App for That and Lots More...
Get powerful, fast pain relief, get rid of insomnia, depression, balance
chakras, detox and more.
Privacy Policy : No user information is collected from any of the apps here.
These Apps use special TBSW waves
and sound frequencies. Highly effective.
When you get these apps you get EVERYTHING. There are no in-app purchases necessary! In-app purchases are great marketing psychology. I wouldn't sell you a half of a car and I won't sell you a half of an app. By the time you download a "free" app and buy all of the in-app purchases to make it work - you're out $50 bucks. My apps range from $1.99 to $4.99 and they're the REAL THING.
Where do you get the Apps?
ALL Apps are made for iPad, iPhone and iPod
Touch. Pain Relief 2.0 App available for Android smart phones,
tablets and Kindle Fire (bottom of this page).
The apps are available in the Apple App Store and Pain Relief 2.0 is
available on Google Play and the Amazon Kindle App Store. Buttons are
here for each app that take you to iTunes or Google Play.
Depression ZX is the latest app (released April 25th 2018). It has chakra and TBSW frequency combinations to help with depression and anxiety,
The Apps...
Pain Killer 2.0
Pain Killer 2.0 is a 5 star app that stops
pain of any kind in it's tracks. It does this by using special waves
called TBSW (Trilateral Balanced Sine Waves). By simply placing
headphones on your ears and running the app, your pain will melt away
within minutes. It's completely safe and natural. It uses special
frequencies and waveforms to do the job.
How does it work?
Pain Killer 2.0 uses a very special type of binaural beat methodology
(TBSW) to release endorphins to naturally, safely STOP PAIN. You may
be aware, that when a person has a trauma, they usually don't feel a
thing - at least a few hours. This is caused from a flood of these
natural endorphins released into your body. Certain special
frequencies are ran through your headphones from Pain Killer 2.0 that
safely make this happen, all under your control.
Why It Works So Well...
The waveforms in the latest version of Pain Killer 2.0 were created
using a very high end program called Life Frequencies Pro. It's used
by doctors and alternative practitioners around the world.
It's been found that the two brain hemispheres may be in different
states of alpha, beta, theta etc.. at the same time. TBSW (Trilateral
Balanced Sine Waves) sync these states in both hemispheres, creating a
much more effective binaural. This is a very powerful feature not
found in ANY other programs!
Is it safe?
YES! 100% natural and safe. Binaurals have been around for
many years and have been perfected. TBSW is the latest and most
effective technology.
Use Pain Killer 2.0 for:
- Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Bursitis and other chronic pain
- Sports injuries and accidents
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Back and neck pain
- Muscle and joint pain
Pain Killer 2.0 also has additional settings for:
- Rejuvenation - accelerate healing
- De-Stress - use this for deep calming effects and insomnia
- 528 Hz - the universal life force DNA frequency
- Rife Pain Frequencies - experience Rife Frequencies
If you have pain of any kind - Pain Killer
2.0 will quickly become your favorite app.

Chakra Pro
The ULTIMATE App for balancing, aligning,
healing and cleansing Chakras. Chakra have been around since the
beginning of recorded time. They are the essence of all that we are.
When Chakra are out of balance, not only physical, but emotional and
psychological problems take place in our lives. Chakra Pro is the best
tool for bringing this alignment into check and getting the normal
balance that we need for health, stability and happiness.
Chakra Pro uses TRUE Chakra Frequencies and tones based on very
expensive Chakra Tuning Forks. The results are astounding. The special
tones work on opening the body's meridians. The result is more energy
and life balance through the stimulation of our natural electrical
With Chakra Pro You Can :
- Align individual Chakras
- Use the Align All presets for complete balancing
- 7 main Chakras and also the Earth and Soul Star Chakras
- Cleanse using a very special frequency preset
- Discover which physical, psychological and emotional problems are
associated with specific Chakras
- Use it as a complete tool for balancing mind, body and spirit
In addition, there are real nature background sounds to calm and
relax, while aligning Chakra. These are also great for
meditation. At the end of each session, Tibetan bell gongs sound three
times for a perfect crescendo.
Chakra Pro is very easy to use and has built-in Help and Info so you
can get started right away. Feel the power and effects of being in
tune with yourself and your surroundings. Open your meridians and get
natural energy back into your life.
There's nothing else like it! Get Chakra Pro today…

Depression ZX
Depression ZX is for fast relief of depression and anxiety. Over the years I've had countless requests to make an app specifically for depression and anxiety. This is it. It took a lot of research and experimetation to find these special frequencies. Depression sucks. I know, because I've dealt with it for years. There are other apps out there that take days, weeks or months to work. I want relief NOW! That's what Depression ZX does.
Using special chakra and TBSW frequency combinations, Depression ZX gives you relief from depression or anxiety within minutes!
Depression ZX has 8 Presets :
- 17164 - Special frequency that helps with both depression and anxiety
- Anxiety 1 - TBSW frequency set for anxiety and stress
- Anxiety 2 - TBSW frequency set for anxiety and relaxation
- Depression 1 - Pure TBSW frequency set for depression relief
- Depression SS - Soul Star Chakra + TBSW frequency set for depression relief
- Depression CR - Crown Chakra + TBSW frequency set for depression relief
- Depression TE - Third Eye Chakra + TBSW frequency set for depression relief
- Heart Chakra - very positive and uplifting frequency, usually used after running presets.
Get Depression ZX Today and star getting relief!

iRife Detox
The all new iRife series turns your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch into a
hand-held Rife Frequency Generator. Rife Frequencies came about from
Dr. Royal Rife and his work with the effects of frequencies on humans
and had a 100% success rate with various problems
Modern Rife systems are inclined to use audio. There are many reasons
for this - one being safety. Recent discoveries have proven that audio
is very
effective when using Rife Frequencies. One fact that sound is 5 times
more efficient in water than air. This is how whales communicate over
such long distances. We humans are made up of mostly water. Now, this
technology is used by doctors and universities around the globe.
iRife Detox is composed of presets to specifically handle detoxifying
your body.
Presets Include:
- Main Detox - General Rife Frequency Detox set.
- Chemtrail Detox - What are they doing up there? This is a detox
from reactions to chemtrails.
- Liver Detox - Our liver is our body's filter. When it is clogged
we feel lousy and a toxic liver can cause allergies and a whole list
of other problems for us.
- Candida - It's a natural thing in our bodies that can get out of
control, because of GMOs and preservatives. Candida detox can be
very useful with weight loss and depression.
To use iRife Detox, you need headphones (preferrably the big over the
ear type) or speakers. Yes - you can run the frequencies while driving
in your car as well. Welcome to the future :-)
Get iRife Detox today and feel the power of Rife Frequencies.

iRife Lyme
A Pocket Rife Machine for Lyme Disease.
This app uses multi-frequency technology, saving tons of time! The
presets cover the main Rife Frequencies for Lyme Disease and also the
3 most common related issues.
After the success of iRife Detox, I had a bunch of requests to make
an app specifically for Lyme Disease. I was surprised to see there are
other rife apps out there now, but beware! They require a physical
rife Machine to work and the apps just control the physical machines.
All you need with the iRife series of apps are speakers or
headphones. This is because there are algorithms that specifically
allow the use of mult-frequency audio for Rife frequencies.
Presets Include:
- 4 Lyme Presets
- Pain Relief Preset
- Infections
- Headaches
Recent discoveries and field trials have proven that audio is very
effective when using Rife Frequencies. One fact that sound is 5 times
more efficient in water than air. This is how whales communicate over
such long distances. We humans are made up of mostly water.
If you are looking for airy fairy sounds and background music - THIS
APP IS NOT FOR YOU. Rife frequencies can be annoying and downright
obnoxious, but they are composed for a specific purpose to complete a
specific task. iRife Lyme handles the task...
Now, you can have a pocket Rife Machine! To use iRife Lyme, you need
headphones (preferrably the big over the ear type) or speakers. Yes -
you can run the frequencies while driving in your car as well.
Get iRife Lyme Now and get your own pocket Rife Machine...

Psychic Beats
Psychic Beats uses special
Binaural Beats called TBSW to help enhance your psychic, ESP,
psychokinetic and intuitive abilities. All you need to do is put your
headphones on and run the app for a few minutes. Special waveforms and
frequencies open up pathways in your mind that are associated with
various psychic abilities. Tests using this app have been amazing.
One lady had lost her keys and couldn't find them for 3 weeks. She
ran these frequencies and found them in a couple of minutes. The keys
had fallen off of her desk down into the bottom of a drawer that she
rarely opened.
The uses for Psychic Beats are only limited by your imagination. Use
it for experiments in mind reading, telekinesis, gambling, intuitive
games and more.
Psychic Beats Presets Include :
- Enhance : Enhance ESP, psychokinetic and other psychic abilities.
- Intuition : Lost something? Have a feeling just on the edge of
your thoughts that you can't grasp - this is the preset
- Lucid : Preset to help trigger powerful lucid dreams
- MindEx : Mind Expansion - VERY POWERFUL for deep Meditation and
expanding the mind overall.
- Shaman : Puts the mind in the same frequency state as Shamans
during their rituals.
The Psychic Beats App is a new concept using Entrainment frequencies
that has been working incredibly well for it's owners so far. One
person has actually levitated a feather using the App. Very Cool!
Get Psychic Beats today and EXPAND your 5th dimensional powers.

Astral Dreams
Astral Dreams is a very special App Binaural
Beats technology (TBSW) for Astral Projection, Lucid Dreams, Sleep and
two special induction sets using Shaman frequencies. Put on your ear
buds or headphones, run the frequencies and you will feel the effects
of this powerful program! Astral Dreams is specific to it's purpose of
getting you off the ground and out of your normal levels of
Astral Dreams uses the latest Binaural Beats technology - pure
Trilateral Balanced Sine Waves (TBSW). These special waveforms are
like binaural beats on steroids. They are optimized to cover both
hemispheres of the brain, producing much stronger effects than
standard binaural beats. There
are also 3 frequency combinations + 1 instead of 2. This is a pyramid
Astral Dreams Presets Include :
- Astral Projection - 4 specific frequency sets (3 using Chakra
- Lucid Dreaming - 2 powerful frequency sets
- Shaman - These 2 sets are frequencies used by American / South
American Shamans and also Tibetan Shamans
- Sleep - 2 frequency sets for deep sleep with and one without
vivid dreams
- TBSW - Two new TBSW settings created from the new TBSW Generator.
One for Astral states using Epsilon and Delta frequencies and the
other for Deep Sleep.
Why different frequency sets? We, as individuals don't always respond
to a single set of frequencies. Our vibrational rates and even
electrical characteristics change throughout the day. With Astral
Dreams you are more likely to find the frequencies that match YOU. In
addition, there are background sounds. These are high quality and
don't sound annoying (like someone rattling a piece of tin to sound
like thunder).
Background Sounds Include :
- Brown Noise
- Pink Noise
- White Noise
- Fan
- Shower
- Rain
- Thunderstorm
- Forest
- Ocean Waves
Astral Dreams is highly effective and can save years of time in your
5th Dimension Experiments.
Get Astral Dreams today. You'll LOVE it!

Sleep App Zzz
For less than the cost of a single Ambien, you
can sleep like a bear in hibernation. Sleep App Zzz is the best sleep
induction app available anywhere..
The new "ZZzzz" Preset is a little miracle in itself. It's a Dual
TBSW created for making you sleep and pain relief at the same time. By
the time I had finished testing this waveform and the app for
submission I couldn't even feel my face and I was nodding off at the
computer. I felt "out of this world" with this little gem. It's become
a worldwide favorite for binaural lovers.
Using the latest Binaural Beat technology, all of the insomniacs out
there now have a perfect solution for getting into a DEEP dreamless or
dream-state sleep. Also great for those experimenting with Lucid
dreaming and Astral states!
Sleep App Zzz is an entirely different type of solution than other
binaural apps. MORE POWERFUL and more effective, it has been carefully
designed for the most avid insomniacs. Using the same type of
technology as the highly rated Pain Killer 2.0, this system is the
finest available. TBSW is the latest and most advanced brainwave
pattern modifier.
The background sounds are very unique and originally recorded. These
are specific to city dwellers as well as urbanites. Some city dwellers
find that the same old Forest and Stream sounds are annoying - City
Dwellers are covered, with sounds from home that will help put you to
sleep in conjunction with the awesome binaural beats.
EASY to use - no switching between window after window. A three
column spinner does all of the interface work.
Get Sleep App Zzz Today and SLEEP!

Shaman Magic
There's no better, faster way to experience a
Shamanic journey than by using Shaman Magic. Shaman Magic is the
ULTIMATE Shaman App - with REAL drum recordings using actual Shaman
theta frequencies from around the world.
All Shamanic journeys begin with a trance state caused by specific
theta frequency rhythms. Shaman Magic goes way beyond what you get
from anything else out there.
The combinations in Shaman Magic will get you into a deep Shamanic
theta trance quickly. They are very powerful, because these specific
types of trance rhythms go back thousands of years. The Shamans used
these frequencies to enter trance states for Astral Projection,
Healing, Remote Healing and other things.
It's all about the 5th dimension and this app is designed to take you
there quickly...
You get Shamanic Rhythms from :
- Africa
- Modern (USA)
- Native Americans
- Siberia
- Tibet
- Haiti (Yucatecan trance rythym) - ver 1.7
- Trance - ver 1.7
You also get background sounds in the app that you can mix in with
the trance rhythms to enhance the trance and experience.
Backgrounds Include :
- Crown Chakra frequency
- Third Eye Chakra frequency
- Solar Chakra frequency
- Forest
- Mind (digital peyote) - ver 1.7
- A soft rain storm
- Thunderstorm
- Ocean Waves
- Urban sounds - ver 1.7
Get Shaman Magic today and take a little trip...

MediBeats - TBSW for Meditation
(Updated Dec 2016 - Universal App)
MediBeats is the sister app and companion for
Chakra Pro. Special tones and TBSW frequency sets are from the Ancient
Tones in Life Frequencies Professional. These are geared towards
meditation and the app has all of the bells and whistles that Chakra
Pro has.
MediBeats has the Ancient Tones and special meditation frequency
presets. One interesting aspect of Medibeats is that I've calculated
the overall frequency of the entire human chakra system as a whole.
The frequency is included in MediBeats and is really uplifting.
The background sounds are for city dwellers as well as those that
like forest and rain sounds.
MediBeats was made, because of so many user requests using the other
TBSW apps and Chakra Pro. All of the Solfeggio frequencies are
included. I've seen other apps that are selling for $4.99 PER
frequency. That's ridiculous...
The Main Frequencies Are :
- 396 Hz - Liberation of Guilt and Fear
- 417 Hz - Undoing situations and Changing
- 528 Hz - Transformation and Miracles
- 639 Hz - Relationships
- 741 Hz - Awakening Intuition
- 852 Hz - Return to Spiritual Order
- 360 Hz - King Solomon's Healing Frequency
- 728 Hz - Universal Healing Frequency
- BZ's Soul Revival Frequency
- Astral Projection Meditation
- Schumann Resonance + Solar Chakra
Background Sounds Include :
- Dryer
- Fan
- Forest
- Noise (eliminates background sounds like TVs etc..)
- Rain
- Shower
- Thunderstorm
- Washer
- Ocean Waves

Pain Relief 2.0
Pain Relief 2.0 is the Android version of Pain
Killer 2.0. By simply placing headphones on your ears and running the
app, your pain will melt away within minutes. It's completely safe and
natural. It uses special frequencies and waveforms to do the job.
How does it work?
Pain Relief 2.0 uses a very special type of binaural beat methodology
(TBSW) to release endorphins to naturally, safely STOP PAIN. You may
be aware, that when a person has a trauma, they usually don't feel a
thing - at least a few hours. This is caused from a flood of these
natural endorphins released into your body. Certain special
frequencies are ran through your headphones from Pain Relief 2.0 that
safely make this happen, all under your control.
The waveforms in the latest version of Pain Relief 2.0 were created
using a very high end program called Life Frequencies Pro.


Astral | Chakra
| Insomnia | Rife-Machine | Pain
Relief | Psychic | Shaman